Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Grubb Mission Report  December 2016

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
Singapore-Indonesia-Malaysia Trip (Nov. 21-Dec. 19)

   On November 21st, I began my 61st mission trip. I had an fast trip, with a short connection in Japan, to Singapore. I arrived in Singapore at 11 PM. on Tuesday night. The 9th Annual Four Seas College Lectures held at the Jurong Church of Christ began Wednesday morning. The theme of the lectures was: “Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth.”

   On Wednesday night, I spoke at the midweek English Bible class of the Jurong congregation. On Thursday night, I was invited to speak at the Chinese Bible class at Lim Ah Pin. On Friday, I participated in a question and answer session with Billy Bland and Roger Campbell. On Saturday morning, I presented my lectureship lesson. The lectureship came to an end on Saturday afternoon. There were gospel meetings being conducted each evening at Lim Ah Pin and Jurong. I attended the Lim Ah Pin meetings. Billy Bland was the speaker there.

   On Sunday morning, I was transported over to the Malaysia side to teach a Chinese Bible class and preach a bi-lingual sermon at the Johor Bahru congregation. In the evening, I presented another bi-lingual lesson at the new congregation in Johor State: Skudai. I went back to the Singapore side to spend the night, then took the boat ferry to Batam island (Indonesia) to begin a three day effort with the church there. Alex and Rita Daniel from Lampung traveled to Batam to meet me and Alex translated for me while there.

   For three days, we spent about 2-3 hours each night teaching on Basic Facts of the Bible. There were between 50-60 to attend each of the night sessions.

   On December 1st, I was in three different countries. I started out in Indonesia. By 8:30 AM, I was in Singapore. I then flew to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the afternoon. My first place to preach was the Section 17 congregation. I taught the Friday night Bible class and preached both lessons on Sunday. In between I had the opportunity to visit with many of the brethren. On Monday, the Section 17 congregation had a camp in Ipoh. I spoke four times at the camp. It was a good opportunity to be with about 35 members of the congregation and some of their friends. I also was able to spend time with Mike and June Leong and my “adopted” granddaughter, Hannah. She is so much fun and so cute.

   On the weekend of December 8th, I was with the Kota Kemuning congregation in the Shah Alam section of Kuala Lumpur. On Friday night and Sunday morning, I delivered lessons from God’s Word. On Saturday afternoon, we had a three hour singing workshop. After the services on Friday night, I had the opportunity to visit with a few of the families. On Saturday night, after the singing workshop, several of the young people took me to dinner and had a number of Bible questions to ask me. On Sunday morning, before worship, I had the opportunity to answer more Bible questions during breakfast. After the morning worship, the brethren had a potluck at the building and we were able to visit further with the member. After the potluck, I went to brother Eng and sister Shirley’s house until Kam Wah and Janet Leong picked me up. I spent Sunday night at their house.

   On Monday morning, the three of us left for my favorite location in Malaysia – Cameron Highlands. We spent a couple of days up there enjoying the cool weather. On Wednesday, we came back and I stayed two more days in the Damansara area of Kuala Lumpur before moving on to my last appointment for this trip – Subang Jaya. Before going to SJ, I had some additional opportunities for fellowship with the brethren at Section 17.

   On my last weekend in Malaysia, I preached at the Subang Jaya congregation a three part sermon on “Speaking as the Oracles of God.” On Friday night, we had about 30 to attend the service. Saturday evening, I went to dinner with some of the members of the congregation. After delivering the final two lessons, Sunday afternoon, I traveled by plane back to Singapore and departed the next day for home.

   My flight from Tokyo to Atlanta was cancelled, but I was fortunate to get a flight to Seattle then get a seat on an earlier flight to get home just three hours later than I would have with the original flight.

   Thanks to all the brethren who helped to make this trip possible and successful. Thanks for all the prayers on behalf of these efforts.  


Jan. 31 – Mar. 14 – New Zealand (Arrive 2-2)
   2-9 Feb. South Auckland
   10-16 Feb. Hamilton
   17-19 Feb. Hawke’s Bay
   20-26 Feb. Palmerston North/Wanganui
   27 Feb. – 5 Mar. New Plymouth
   6-12 Mar. Porirua/Hutt Valley
   13 Mar. Depart Wellington
   14 Mar. Depart Auckland for home
Apr. 24-25 McCaysville Lectureship
May 6 GSOP Lectures – Mission Report
May-June – Malaysia
   June 1-3 Chinese Asian Bible Lectures
September – China
December – Taiwan


April 15-19 Gospel Meeting – Shelbyville Rd.
Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL

Budget Setting Time

Please keep our work in mind for next year when you plan your budget for 2017.

– John M. Grubb

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Grubb Mission Report  November 2016

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
A Busy Second Half of the Month of October
      After returning home from my overseas trip on October 10th, I had five more speaking appointments for the rest of the month.  

I spoke at the Wednesday night Bible class at Chestnut Mountain. 
I also presented a lesson at the World Mission Forum in Memphis. 
From there, I went to conduct a gospel meeting in Cartersville, GA. 
I spoke at the Chestnut Mountain youth day and made my mission trip presentation at Chestnut Mountain. 
I spoke twice on the Southeast Georgia lectures in Richmond Hill, GA.  
As you can see from my speaking schedule, I leave for Asia on November 21st to teach and preach in Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

SYMPATHY:  Brethren Garland Elkins and Lynn Blair have passed away. Brother Elkins is well-known in the brotherhood for the good work he did through the decades. Brother Lynn Blair was a dedicated gospel preacher who also was interested in mission work, especially in Asia. Both of these brethren will be missed.



Nov. 21 – Dec.  19  – Singapore/Malaysia
   23-26 Nov. Four Seas College Lectures
     23 PM Wed. Night Bible Study - Jurong
   27 Nov. JB and Skudai, Malaysia
   28-30 Batam, Indonesia
   1-7 Dec. Section 17 Meeting and Camp
   9-11 Dec.  Kota Kemuning
 11-15 Kampar, Ipoh, and Taiping
 16-18 Dec. Subang Jaya  


Jan. 31 – Mar. 14 – New Zealand (Arrive 2-2)
Apr. 24-25 McCaysville Lectureship
May-June – Singapore-Malaysia-Indonesia
September – China
December – Taiwan


April 15-19 Gospel Meeting – Shelbyville Rd.
Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL

Budget Setting Time

      Please keep our work in mind for next year when you plan your budget for 2017.

– John M. Grubb

Grubb Mission Report is a monthly publication under the oversight of the Chestnut Mountain church of Christ, 5111 Old Winder Hwy. 211, Braselton, GA 30517, USA.
Email addresses:jmgrubb@yahoo.com, guyuehan@earthlink.net
Home Tel: (678) 546-1832 Cell: (678) 538-7601
Chinese Website: http://www.grubbchinese.org. 
Mailing address: P.O. Box 7450 Chestnut Mountain, GA 30502.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Grubb Mission Report October 2016

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).


Taiwan-China Trip
(Aug. 24-Oct. 10)

      On August 24th, I began my 60th overseas mission trip. I visited Taiwan until September 13th and then went directly to China for the rest of the time. After returning from this trip, I still have a very busy October ahead of me. You can look at my speaking schedule to see where I will be during the second half of the month of October. Thanks for your prayers on behalf of my travels during this trip.

      I arrived safely in Taiwan and was met at the airport by William Chen. I stayed with William and Yolanda while I was in Taipei. On Friday, brother Jao and Yolanda took me to see the POW camp which housed Allied prisoners during World War II. In addition, there were gold and copper mines there as well. You can see pictures I took of this day’s tour on my Facebook page. I had two good night’s sleep on the first two nights in Taiwan. That helps to get accustomed to the twelve hour difference in time. On Saturday, William, Yolanda, and I went to do some shopping and to eat lunch together.

      The gospel meeting in Taipei began on Saturday night. We had two visitors to attend the service. The theme of my meetings in Taipei, Hualien, and Taichung was “Where is Your Treasure?” On Saturday night, I spoke on the subject of “The Widow’s Mites.” I presented the other two lessons for this meeting on Sunday morning. There were about fifteen who attended the services Sunday morning. After a potluck meal, William Chen taught a Bible class on John chapters two and three.

      On Monday morning, I took the train from Taipei to Hualien. Brother and sister Wang met me there. During the week I was in Hualien, I stayed at the church building. On Tuesday, we made three visits in the morning, then made another visit in late afternoon.

      On Wednesday morning, we went to one of the Assisted Living homes to make a number of visits and also to conduct a Bible study. People living there range in ages from 65 – 102. On Wednesday night, I had the privilege to teach the midweek class at the Hualien church building. On Thursday, I conducted two Bible classes at the Assisted Living Homes – one in the morning, and one in the afternoon.

      On Friday morning, we conducted a gospel meeting with four men at the Assisted Living Home. On Friday night, we had the first of four lessons in the weekend gospel meeting. The theme for the gospel meeting in Hualien was the same as in Taipei: “Where is Your Treasure?” (Matthew 6:19-21). The first lesson in the series was “Sacrifices that Cost Nothing.” The topic for Saturday night was, “The Widow’s Mites.”

      Sunday was a busy day. It started at 6 AM. We went to one of the Assisted Living Homes for worship from 7-8 AM. Bible study at the church building was from 9-10 AM. Worship from 10-11:30 AM. After lunch, the second assisted living worship from 2-4 PM. Sunday evening was used to get my luggage ready for 6 AM departure to Tainan on Monday morning.

      We rode two trains and arrived at brother Wang’s parent’s house by lunch time. We then went out to make visits and prepare for the evening Bible study as well. On Monday and Tuesday we made several visits, conducted at least three Bible studies a day then had a service in the evening. We had fourteen in a pouring rain on Tuesday night.

      On Wednesday morning, we headed for Kaohsiung. We made two visits during the day then had the first night of the gospel meeting with fifteen in attendance. On Thursday, we went way out in the country for lunch and a Bible study. On the way back, I was able to go and see the Love River. The gospel meeting in Kaohsiung ended on Thursday night. I went to the High Speed Rail station and headed for Taichung, where John and Michele Yo met me.

      The rains returned with a vengeance on Friday night. It affected the attendance of the gospel meeting. The same was true for Saturday night. We were able to make some visits both on Friday and Saturday. The attendance for the Sunday morning was better. We also had a potluck on Sunday night to celebrate the Autumn Moon Festival. There were a number of visitors who attended.

      On Monday morning, we had a Bible study at a house near the church building then had lunch with the oldest member of the church in Taichung. I was able to eat my favorite bowl of noodles on my last day in the country.

      On Tuesday morning, brother and sister Yo took me to the airport to catch my flight to Shanghai. When I arrived, brother Bob was there to meet me. I spent the rest of the day getting settled in for the rest of the week.

      The rain followed me to Shanghai. Boy, did it follow me. It rained every day for the next week. The typhoon that hit Taiwan on the day after I left headed this way. On Wednesday morning, I worked on several upcoming projects for when I return to the states. On this day, I had the opportunity to teach two different groups – one in the afternoon then one in the evening. I taught some non-Christians in the afternoon. I met with four new brethren in the evening.

      Thursday was a material preparation day. I worked on a number of projects for when I return to the states. There were no Bible studies scheduled for the day. On Friday morning, we had a Bible study with about eight sisters in an apartment. On Saturday morning, we went to make a visit with one of the members in Shanghai.

      On Sunday morning, I packed up my luggage preparing to move over to the other side of Shanghai to begin my Monday through Thursday classes. I had the privilege to speaking at the morning worship in PuXi. After lunch, I went back to pick up my luggage at the hotel and took a taxi over to PuDong for afternoon worship and getting settled in to my room. This is the same place I stayed last year. One difference – my bed is not on the floor! This will make it better for my feet and knees. After the afternoon worship, I changed my clothes to go to eat dinner and to go do my shopping for the week.

      Monday began the beginning of a two week course on evangelism. Classes are Monday through Thursday. There are two full-time students, but there were two others who were able to attend most of the classes as well. Mixed in with the classes were evening visits with prospects and members.

     The second weekend in China was also very busy. I taught classes on Friday morning and night then spoke two times at a Youth rally on Saturday. I then spoke twice on Sunday before getting ready for another three days of classes with a fourth day for testing.

      The last week in September, I taught my final three days in the school. On Thursday, I gave the two tests for the two students in the school. I then moved back over to the other side of Shanghai for the rest of my time in the country. I had the opportunity teach some additional classes the last several days I was in Shanghai. The last week I was in town, there was a two day lectureship. I had the opportunity to take part in this effort as well. There were about fifty to attend this effort.

     For the entire trip, I taught about sixty hours in private classes, Bible classes, Bible school, lectureship, youth rally, gospel meetings and worship services.

      While I was in Shanghai, I had the opportunity to visit the Bund again, as well as the area across the Whangpoo River from the Bund where the second tallest building in the world is located. I went up into the Oriental Tower and had a beautiful view of the city. I was also able to visit the Shanghai Museum.

      In spite of a few bumps on the way home, I arrived safely. Thanks for all of the prayers offered on my behalf during this trip. I appreciate the support I receive from brethren that enables me to do this work.



October 14-15 World Evangelism Seminar
October 16-19 – Gospel Meeting – Cartersville, GA
October 22 – Chestnut Mountain Youth Day
October 29-30 – Southeast GA Lectureship
Nov. 21 – Dec.  19  – Singapore/Malaysia
   23-26 Nov. Four Seas College Lectures
     23 PM Wed. Night Bible Study - Jurong
     27 Nov. JB and Skudai, Malaysia
     28-30 Batam, Indonesia
   1-7 Dec. Section 17 Meeting and Camp
   9-11 Dec.  Kota Kemuning
 11-15 Kampar, Ipoh, and Taiping
 16-18 Dec. Subang Jaya  


Jan. 31 – Mar. 14 – New Zealand (Arrive 2-2)
Apr. 24-25 McCaysville Lectureship
May-June – Singapore-Malaysia-Indonesia
September – China
December – Taiwan


April 15-19 Gospel Meeting – Shelbyville Rd.
Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL

SYMPATHY: News reached me on Saturday, October 8th (in Shanghai) that Virgil Hale passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time.

– John M. Grubb