Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Grubb Mission Report - March 2010

SINGAPORE AND INDONESIA TRIP I am scheduled to depart for Singapore and Indonesia on March 9th. I will preaching in Singapore at the Lim Ah Pin (English and Chinese) and Jurong congregations. I will conduct a week-end gospel meeting at Jurong.

I will preach on three different islands while I am in Indonesia – Bali, Java, and Sumatra. The first week will be in Bali and Java, and the second week will be in Sumatra, primarily at the Southern Sumatra Bible Institute. It has been ten years since I have been to Indonesia. I am looking forward to seeing our brethren there. We know there is interest in the teachings of the Bible among Indonesians because over 32,000 people in 88 countries have accessed our www.tftwindo.org website. Thanks to all those who contributed funds to make this trip possible. I will make a full report of this trip in my April report.

News and Letters from Around the World

KUALA LUMPUR: Thanks for the encouraging series of news and the good work. Hope you are well. Now could you recommend me the URL that allows me to copy tracts for print (to introduce the gospel/the church)? This I hope will be distributed to housing area in Section 17 – Ng Hee Liang. (NOTE: English tracts can be downloaded at this website: http://www.tftw2.org/Tracts/. To access Chinese tracts, go to the following website: www.tftwchinese.org. JMG.)


Old Chinese Sermons

Over a decade ago, I recorded 60 lessons on VHS tapes at WVBS. I have decided to re-record these lessons and edit them here at Truth for the World. This will also be an on-going project for the next two years. I have completed translating about 30% of the nineteen outlines that will be available to go along with the lessons and also to use on the teleprompter.   

I continue to edit the audio from these old video programs for our radio program. So far, I have completed the editing on 49 out of 60 of these radio programs. After completing this editing, I will begin editing the audio from the “Chinese Sermons and Outlines” series. There will be an additional 58 lessons to add to the radio rotation.

Working on Materials for Future WVBS Filming Projects

I will continue to prepare outlines for the current Chinese series on “Leadership.” In addition, I am continuing to prepare English lessons I record each time I travel to WVBS. These English lessons can be used by churches that do not have a preacher. They are now being used on Gospel Broadcasting Network under the title, “Faith-Building Sermons.” These lessons air four times a week (Sunday – 5:30 AM; Wednesday – 2:00 PM; Saturday – 5:00 AM and PM) on GBN.

Chinese Songbook

I am working on this project to record Chinese songs out of the book used by Chinese brethren in Asia. I have started recording the songs and will hope to have them edited and burned to CD by March when I go back to Asia, or June at the latest, when I plan to return to attend the conduct meetings in Malaysia and speak at the 5th Annual Chinese Asian Bible Lectures. Thanks to Dave Komisak, our production engineer, who is helping me to get this CD finished.

“Missions Saturday”

On February 6th, we conducted a day of emphasis on long and short-term mission work at the Duluth church building. The three main speakers for the day long program were: Thomas Reid, Jimmie Hill, and John Grubb. They discussed various aspects of mission work and then we had one session where we broke up into smaller groups to encourage brethren to participate in future short-term mission trips in Africa, Iceland, Australia, and Malaysia.

Chinese Website Update

At this writing (since January 2007), we have had over 29,500 visits to our Chinese website from people in 133 countries. This includes over 10,100 visits from at least 353 cities in China.

Through the distribution of our new DVD and radio lessons, and now having the lessons on YouTube, more people are becoming aware of our website. On YouTube search: “John Grubb Chinese.”

Please tell others of our Chinese website: www.tftwchinese.org.


2010March 9-30 – Singapore and Indonesia
April 17-18 – Hubbard, TX Lectures
April 19-23 – WVBS Filming
June 1-21 – Section 17, Genting, Klang, Malaysia, CABL (Singapore)

Everything is now in place for the March trip to Singapore and Indonesia. There were many details to be worked out in traveling, housing, meals, etc. Thanks to all the brethren who helped to make this trip possible. I will speak at Lim Ah Pin twice and conduct a gospel meeting at Jurong before going to Bali, Surabaya, Jakarta, and Sumatra to work with our Indonesian brethren in those locations.

We have also made final plans for the June trip to Singapore and Malaysia for the CABL and gospel meetings. We will talk about the details of this trip in our next report. The dates of this trip will be June 1-21.

You can view an video update on the work we are doing in preparing Chinese materials at the website below:



“Chinese Radio Program” We have an hour of programming on AM 1206 in Taiwan. We first air our English Truth for the World broadcast, immediately followed by our Chinese program. This one-hour program has a potential audience of 197 million people. This is aired on a 100,000 watt Radio Station in Taiwan. Four eastern provinces in China are able to hear this program, as well as three central counties in Taiwan. Please continue to pray for these efforts. These programs are also available on our Chinese website: www.tftwchinese.org.

Thanks to all the brethren who, with your contributions, helped to make the beginning of 2010 a good one. We hope to put these funds to good use in the service of the King.

– John M. Grubb

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