Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Taiwan Trip

      On October 3rd, I headed back to Taiwan for the second phase of my work there this year. The last trip took me to Taichung to translate in a gospel meeting and also to Hualien for a week long effort with the brethren there. This trip involved a weekend with the brethren in Taipei, a lectureship in Taichung, and two full days with our brethren in Tainan.

      This was my 50th mission trip since 1985. My first trip was made while living in Taiwan. On that first trip, I traveled to Thailand, Pakistan, Singapore, and Malaysia. I am so thankful I have been able to do what I can in helping to spread the gospel around the world to strengthen and encourage the local brethren in all of these places.

      I am thankful to report another uneventful flight to Taiwan. After I arrived, brother and sister Jao met me and drove me to the hotel where I stay while in Taipei – The Taipei Teacher’s Hostel.

      On Saturday morning, I went to purchase a new computer to use in my work. My old one had become “not very reliable.” I know it will take me a little time to get used to the new one, especially since it has Windows 8, but it should serve me well for many years to come.

      In the afternoon, I went to the apartment of Jason and Nathalie Brzozowski. They have a five month old son named Lucas. They live in NanKang, which is near the international airport. The other members of the Taipei congregation also came for the afternoon class. After the class, we went to a nearby mall for dinner before closing out the day.

      On Sunday morning, I spoke to the congregation on the subject, “Living the Christian Life.” We had planned to do some sight-seeing in the afternoon, but because of the wind and rain of a nearby typhoon, we decided to call it a day.

      On Monday morning, I headed to Taichung. I took the High Speed Train from Taipei to Taichung. It is about a one hundred mile trip made in less than an hour. This beats taking the bus which could take as much as three hours.

      After eating lunch, I taught a class via Skype to the father of some of the members in Batu Pahat, Malaysia. After the class, brother Yo took me to Costco to buy some things I needed for the week.

  Since the lectureship did not begin until Thursday, I had time to spend with the Yo family and to take one day to go and visit the town of Lugang (Deer Harbor), which is located in Changhua county. I visited some places my family had seen thirty years ago. When you are visiting a place that has over a three hundred year history, thirty years does not affect it that much.

      The lectureship began on Thursday night. I was the speaker for the first session of the lectureship. My topic was, “Are We Tough Enough?” My lesson dealt with overcoming problems in our lives. There were about thirty people who attended from Taichung, Taipei, Hualien, and Kaohsiung.

     On Friday, I spent time working on preparing materials for future events. Also, the second night of the lectureship was at 7:30 PM. Brother Wang, from Hualien, was the speaker. He delivered an excellent lesson on the subject of boldly serving God. There were a few more in attendance for the services on Friday night.

      Saturday was a full day of lectures in Taichung. Brother Jao and brother Wang were the speakers for the day. They both delivered excellent lessons that were very encouraging. Again, there was a very good number in attendance. The fellowship was also excellent.

      Sunday was the last day of the lectureship. I spoke at both the Bible class and the worship session. In the Bible class, my topic was “Defending the Faith.” In the worship hour, my topic was “Magnifying Christ in My Life.” We had 38 to attend the morning services.

      After the morning services, I had the opportunity to have lunch with Libby’s aunt. It was good to visit with her again. Then, in the afternoon, several of the brethren went to a nearby town which is known for its wood carvings. It was good to spend some time with John and Michele Yo. Their son, Ben, will be going to Singapore next summer to begin art school. He is a very talented artist.

      On Monday, I headed south to Tainan for two days of teaching and visiting in and around the section of Tainan, called Yu Jing. We arrived in Yu Jing about noon, had lunch and then had classes from 2:00 – 3:15 PM. After the class, we made visits in the area until dinner time. After dinner, we had another class from 6:45 – 8:10 PM. We then made the one hour drive back to brother Wang’s parent’s house to spend the night. I went to bed about 10 PM, exhausted.

      Tuesday morning, after breakfast, we were out the door at 7:30 AM to begin a morning of visits in two different sections of the city. Both of the visits were of non-members. One of them was the father of Yolanda Wu. He is three days older than my mother. He lives in a Veterans’ Retirement Home. We arrived in Yu Jing about noon for lunch. We then had another teaching session from 2:00 – 3:15 PM. Just like Monday, we followed the class with visits in the area. After dinner, we had our final session from 6:45 – 8:10 PM. We made one more visit before heading back to brother Wang’s parent’s house.

      On Wednesday morning, we headed for the JiaYi City High Speed Rail Station to board the train for Taipei. We arrived in Taipei at 10:00 AM after a one hour and twenty-three minute ride.

      I had the opportunity to take care of some last minute activities in Taipei before getting ready for bed because I was planning to get up at 4:00 AM to get ready to head to the airport.

      I did get up on time and made it to the airport and had a very smooth and fast trip home. This is the first time I have ever arrived back in Atlanta before 3 PM. We actually arrive at 2 PM. I guess the 138 mph tail wind helped! I was also able to get about six total hours of sleep on the two flights.

      Thanks to James Guyton for being there to meet me at the International Terminal and to get me home by 4 PM. We made our traditional stop at Chick-fil-a in Suwanee for my large cup of iced tea.

      After getting all my luggage put away and getting all of my dirty clothes washed and put up, I got a good night’s sleep on Thursday night. Friday was a busy day, starting to get caught up on other projects.

      Thanks for all of your prayers and support that made this trip possible. It was a busy two weeks. We were also, with the help of various brethren, able to purchase a number of Bibles to use in the various works on the island.

      I will depart for Singapore-Malaysia on November 19th. I will be there until December 23rd. Please keep this upcoming effort in your prayers as well.

2013 Southeast Georgia Lectures in Richmond Hill, GA

      It was my privilege to speak on the lectureship in Richmond Hill on October 27th. Riley Nelson is the good preacher there. My topic was: “Let Us Love One Another” (1 John 4:1-11. It was good to see many faithful brethren attending this weekend event. It was also good to see old friends and make new friends. I am thankful for the hospitality shown to me while I was there.

Materials Available

       Through the distribution of our DVD’s and radio lessons, and now having the lessons on YouTube, more people are becoming aware of our website. There are sixty Chinese lessons currently posted there. You can access them at: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCoJC. I update my Facebook page all the time. Be sure to check my Facebook wall for pictures and news about my trips and activities. Be sure to check out my website: www.grubbchinese.org.



Nov. 19-Dec. 23 – Singapore-Malaysia Trip
         Nov. 22-24 J.B. Gospel Meeting
         Nov. 27-28 Four Seas Lectures
         Nov. 29- Dec. 1 Melaka Bi-Lingual
         Dec. 6-8 – Section 17 Gospel Meeting
         Dec. 11 Taiping
         Dec. 12 Kampar
         Dec. 13-15 Ipoh Bi-Lingual Meeting
         Dec. 17-18 Kluang
         Dec. 19 Lim Ah Pin English
         Dec. 20-22 Chinese Meeting Lim Ah Pin
         Dec. 22 Lim Ah Pin English


Jan. 7-Mar. 18 Fishers of Men/Chestnut Mtn.
June 2-4 Chinese Asian Bible Lectures

John M. Grubb

                                   Many of those who attended the Lectureship in Taichung.

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