Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Grubb Mission Report – June 2016

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
If anyone would like for me to come and give a report of my work, I would be happy to schedule it.
Indonesia and the Chinese Asian Bible Lectureship

      On May 4th I departed for a five week trip to Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. This was my 59th mission trip. And as I did a few years ago, I made this trip with a broken foot. Only this time, it is my left foot that is broken.

      In spite of the long trip with my boot, I made the trip pretty well. My foot did swell a bit, but after my first night’s sleep in Indonesia it looked a lot better.

Denpasar, Bali

      Alex Daniel met me outside of customs at the International airport in Denpasar, Bali. The traffic was pretty bad there, so it took quite a while to get to the hotel and try to get settled in. Before we could do that, we had to leave for the evening class at the Denpasar congregation.

      The theme of the trips around Indonesia was “Basic Facts of the Faith.” The first time I taught this material in Indonesia was in 1989 or 1990 at the Southern Sumatra Bible Academy when it was located in Gisting, Sumatra.

      While in Denpasar, I had the privilege to teach four lessons to the brethren there. On Monday morning, we boarded a plane to head to  Surabaya. Traffic in Surabaya was just as bad as Bali traffic. On the way to Surabaya, my phone died. I went to buy a new one (as cheaply as possible) to use.


      Classes were conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. We had about thirty to attend the Tuesday evening class. There was good interest and several questions were asked during the question and answer session. There were also two new Bible studies set up as a result of the Wednesday night class.

Sunter, Jakarta

      On Thursday, we left for Jakarta. On Friday night, we had a Q&A with those members who were able to attend. On Saturday, we met from 10 AM to 4 PM studying Romans chapter 12. We would have a Q&A after each study session. On Sunday, the Block M congregation joined the Sunter congregation for worship, Bible study, lunch, Bible study, and Q&A. About 100 were in attendance for the Sunday services.

      Thanks to Jacob and Kim Susetyo for all of their help and good work. It was good to get to know the members in Jakarta.

Manado, Suluwesi

      On Monday, May 16th, we flew to Manado to begin a week long effort with the church there. A great place to eat fish is in Manado. I ate tuna.  In fact, I ate fish at least once a day while in Manado.

      On Tuesday through Saturday, we met each night (except for Friday) in classes and singing training. I had the privilege to meet with two different congregations in the Manado area. On Friday we were taken into the mountains to visit various sites (including an active volcano). We were able to visit with several of the members while we there and answer many of their Bible questions.

      On Saturday afternoon we went to eat lunch with Mike Rotinsulu, the mother of the Rotinsulu boys. That evening we conducted classes for over three hours at the Suwaan congregation. On Sunday morning, Alex returned there to teach and preach while I went back to the Manado congregation for Sunday services.

      On Monday morning, we headed for the airport to begin our trip to Lampung, Sumatra. We finally arrived there about 5:15 PM.

Southern Sumatra Bible Academy and Three Congregations in Lampung Province

      On Tuesday through Friday mornings, I taught from 8 AM until noon at the school. It had been over 25 years since I had taught “Basic Facts of the Faith” at the school, so that is the material I taught this trip. Of course, 25 years of experience added to the original material. I am going to revise the material and they are going to translate it and put it in print for use among the students and prospects.

      Each evening, I preached at a different congregation in the province. On Tuesday night, I spoke at the TanjungKarang congregation. Wednesday night, I was at the Pelita Baru congregation. On Thursday night, we traveled to Uwe Slawe to conduct a one night service there. There was a good number who attended this service. They were there waiting for us when we arrived. I had a different translator each night of these meetings and they did a good job of translating.


      On Saturday, May 28th, Timbul Siriat and I traveled to Batam for my last stop on this trip in Indonesia. Several of the staff and students went with us to the airport to see us off. We arrived safely in Batam, was met by one of the brethren and went to the hotel to rest before the Bible class on Saturday night.

      We had good sessions on Sunday morning for Bible study, worship, lunch, a presentation about the school by Timbul, then finally a question and answer session to finish the day. Monday evening was another wonderful three hour session of lesson and question and answer session.

      They had asked me about coming back and Timbul had mentioned it would probably be in two years. When I thought about how close it is to Singapore and how easy it is to get to Batam from Singapore, I mentioned that I should be able to come back next year for another weekend. This was after the sessions were ended for the night. I was shocked and surprised when all of the members broke out in applause.

      On Tuesday morning, I departed Batam by ferry and headed to Singapore. This was the first time I had used this method to enter Singapore. I spent the day on Tuesday getting settled in to my room, met one of the members for tea, and organized my luggage for the upcoming trip to Malaysia.

      On Wednesday, the skies opened and I was kept in my room for most of the day. On Wednesday evening, I traveled to the Jurong congregation to attend midweek Bible study.

      On Thursday morning, I went back to Jurong to ride their bus to the Chinese lectures site. I was the first speaker on the program and then was on the panel for the question and answer session.

      The Chinese lectures continued all day Friday and through lunchtime on Saturday. There were a total of ten different speakers with three question and answer sessions. On Friday evening, I also spoke to the English Bible class for the local Melaka congregation and several other English speaking visitors from around Asia also attended. There were between 175 and 200 Chinese people attending this event. There were two baptisms on Friday afternoon. I returned to Singapore arriving late Saturday night.

      On my last day in Asia, I spoke at a Bible class and preached in worship at the English congregation of the Jurong church of Christ. In the afternoon, I taught the Chinese Bible class at the Lim Ah Pin congregation.
      Early Monday morning (June 6th), I flew back to the U.S. and arrived safely back home. I am so thankful for all of the prayers, assistance, and hospitality of all who helped make this trip possible.

      My next overseas trip is scheduled for August 24th – October 10th. I will be traveling to Taiwan and China at that time. In between now and then, I have four separate trips I will be making here in the states.

      Check out all the pictures on my Facebook page.



June 19-21 Coal City – Gospel Meeting
June 22  Ben’s Camp – Angola, IN
July 15-17  Martinsville – Gospel Meeting
July 24-28 Power Lectures
Aug. 24 – Oct. 10 – Taiwan/China
October 14-15 World Evangelism Seminar
October 16-19 – Gospel Meeting – Cartersville, GA
October 22 – Chestnut Mountain Youth Day
October 29-30 – Southeast GA Lectureship
Nov. 21 – Dec.  19  – Singapore/Malaysia
   23-26 Nov. Four Seas College Lectures
   27 Nov. JB and Skudai
   2-7 Dec. Section 17 Meeting and Camp
   9-11 Dec.  Kota Kemuning
 11-15 Kampar, Ipoh, and Taiping
 16-18 Dec. Subang Jaya  


Jan. 31 – Mar. 7 – New Zealand (Arrive 2-2)
Apr. 24-25 McCaysville Lectureship


Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL

– John M. Grubb

Grubb Mission Report is a monthly publication
under the oversight of the Chestnut Mountain church of Christ,
5111 Old Winder Hwy., Braselton, GA 30517, USA
Email addresses:jmgrubb@yahoo.com, guyuehan@earthlink.net
Home Tel: (678) 546-1832 Cell: (678) 538-7601
Chinese Website: http://www.grubbchinese.org

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