Friday, September 1, 2017

Grubb Mission Report – September 2017

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
Scott Ingram’s Taiwan Report (July 11-25)

   What a great experience it was to meet the brethren in Taiwan. The trip began well. I travelled from Memphis to Atlanta, to Tokyo, to Taipei and then took the train to Taichung where we met with the local preacher John Yo and his wife Michelle. Overall the travel time was about 30 hours and was the longest trip I’ve ever had the privilege to make. Brother John Grubb was helpful from the very beginning in helping guide me through. I had the chance to study the Bible right at the beginning with a man on the plane. He was traveling from the states to Taipei to work on a power plant. We discussed and looked at passages concerning marriage and divorce, the Lord’s Supper, as well as Bible interpretation and authority.

   Once we made it to Taichung we settled into the hotel and got some rest for the day to come. We were able to make some visits with members and non-members, as well as some elderly at a nursing home that week in Taichung. I’ve included a few select photos in the envelope of some of our visits. I had the chance to lead a Bible study in a member’s home where we discussed the text of 2 John and asked the question of how do you study the Bible as a theme. Besides the visits with the members we also had the chance to see a shut-in member and on Sunday attend a service at a nursing home. John Grubb preached in Mandarin and John Yo translated into Taiwanese. Later that morning I had the chance to preach and teach during the Bible study hour and worship service with John Grubb translating for me.

   Following our time in Taichung we took the train back up to Taipei to board another train that took us down the east side of the island to Hualien. Brother Boaz Wang is the local preacher at that congregation and he met us at the train station to take us to the church building where we stayed during this portion of the trip. The city of Hualien was nice but the traffic laws were more or less suggestions in this particular area of Taiwan, that was interesting. The landscape was beautiful. It was a city by the sea with the mountain range on the other side. We made several visits with the members of the church there in Hualien and with non-members who were prospects as well. The nursing home ministry at Hualien was more involved than in Taichung. Brother Wang regularly visits a local nursing home to check on the needs of the residents, give haircuts to those who want or need them, and take care of them in any way he and his wife can help. We had the chance to visit with them ourselves. Brother Grubb taught a couple classes at the nursing home with brother Wang translating the class into Taiwanese. I was able to teach and preach there on Wednesday night and Sunday morning as well. We saw many things while in Hualien, in particular, I witnessed one of the pagan parades where they march their idol gods through the streets. There were many people involved in those ceremonies from young to old. I remember one man who was beating himself with a like instrument like a jagged edged sword until his back was bruised red and bleeding. It is supposedly believed that that was a sign that his god was inhabiting his body and to show that he had no fear.

   Our last destination was the city of Taipei. We only had 2 days in Taipei. I was able to preach that Sunday in Taipei and visit with the brethren after services. Our last day there we went downtown in Taipei and saw a few things before resting for the evening. The trip back was about 30 hours home and I met Alecia and Annalyse at the airport late Tuesday night.

   There were a lot of sights to see just being in the country and we were able to visit a few points of interest. I took many photos and I’ll be posting some of them online at our website I hope this short summary of the trip gives you a good idea of the kinds of work we were able to do in the two weeks. It was largely a good opportunity for me to meet the brethren and plan for the future work that my family and I plan to do. It is the intention of my wife and I to eventually move to Taiwan and conduct local work there and make trips to the mainland to work with the Chinese brethren there as well. The work in either location will be long and take patience and have its own unique difficulties. The Chinese belief system of worshipping ancestors and family loyalty make it particularly emotionally challenging for them. Idolatry is rampant throughout the island and it is like stepping into the pages of the Old Testament and seeing the idolatrous worship take place back then. Aside from that there are over 23 million people living on the Island of Taiwan and it has been said that there are likely less than 300 members of the Lord’s church living on the island and some of them have departed from the truth and gone into the charismatic movement, female preachers, instrumental worship, and outright denominationalism. Pray for the work and for more missionaries to take up the work in that part of the world. We appreciate the help you have given to us so much so, and it wasn’t wasted.

With Gratefulness, Scott Ingram

(NOTE: Scott and Alecia are giving serious consideration to moving to Taiwan in the near future. He is finishing his year in the Missions Program at MSOP and will then begin looking for an overseeing congregation for his work among the Chinese people. Please keep this family in your prayers. JMG.)

August – A Busy Month Stateside

   After returned from my Taiwan trip, I had a very busy month of August. After getting home from the trip, my youngest came in for a weekend visit. On August 1st, I went to Florida for six days, came back for one day then went to visit my mother in Indiana for four days. While I was in Florida, I was able to preach and give a mission report at the College Road church in Palatka. I attended the midweek service at the Clay City church while in Indiana. When I arrived home from Indiana I had a week before I traveled to speak at Polishing the Pulpit. I spoke three times at PTP and met lots of old friends and made many new friends. We were also able to make new contacts for possibly working among the Chinese people.

   The last week of August, we were privileged to have the Chris Herd family visit at Chestnut Mountain and New Hope Road. I was able to visit with them at that time. I also spent the last few days of August to prepare for my upcoming trip to China.

   It is almost budget making time for 2018. I have already lost some support, so if you are in a position to help, my contact information is at the bottom of the first page of the newsletter, or at the bottom of the page on my blog.


Grubb Mission Reports can be read here:

China – Singapore Trip
Sept. 6 – Oct. 10

   Two days after our American Labor Day, I will depart the USA for a five week trip to China and Singapore. I will be in China for a month then the last few days will be in Singapore. Please pray for the efforts I will be making on this trip. A full report will be given when I return.



September 6 – October 6 – China
October 6-10 – Singapore
   8th Lim Ah Pin English Services
   8th Lim Ah Pin Chinese Services
Oct. 28-29 – Richmond Hill Lectures
November 23-26 Singapore
November 27-29 Batam, Indonesia
December 1-19 – Taiwan


Feb. 5 – Mar. 8 – Indonesia
   7 Feb arrive in Manado.
   8-18 Feb teaching in Manado and Swaan.
 19 Feb fly to Lampung
 20- 25 Feb teaching and preaching in Lampung.
 26-28 Feb fly to Palembang and teaching.
  1-2 March teaching in Bandung
  3 March fly to Jakarta.
  4-6 Teaching and preaching in Sunter Jakarta.
   7 Fly to Singapore.
   8 Go home.
April 15-19 Gospel Meeting – Shelbyville Rd.
Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL
May – June – CABL and Malaysia Venues

– John M. Grubb

Grubb Mission Report is a monthly publication under the oversight of the Chestnut Mountain church of Christ,
Address for GPS: 5111 Old Winder Hwy. 211, Braselton, GA 30517, USA
Send all contributions to: Grubb Mission Fund, P.O. Box 7450, Chestnut Mountain, GA 30502
Tel: (678) 538-7601
Chinese Website:

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