Monday, April 30, 2018

Grubb Mission Report - May 2018

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia, USA

If any congregation would like for me to come and give a report of our work, please let me know so that we can schedule it.
April Events

      The first two weeks of April involved getting lessons finalized for gospel meetings later in the month, a lectureship in June, and catching up with other regular monthly projects.

      We are happy to announce that the Seth Michael family has moved to work full-time with the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ. Ron Cope is retiring from full-time work. Seth is an Oregon native and a graduate of Southwest School of Biblical Studies. He and his wife, Jewell, have three children. We are looking forward to working with him here in north Georgia.

      On April 14th, I traveled to Indianapolis to conduct a gospel meeting at the Shelbyville Road congregation. We had very consistent attendance for the meeting. Our lowest number was 90 for Sunday morning Bible study and the highest was 111 on Thursday night. On Thursday night, Michael Birdwell obeyed the gospel. It was good to see so many friends from the area. I did get to see three of my grandchildren while I was in Indianapolis.

      On April 22-25, I had the privilege to conduct a gospel meeting for the Collinsville, IL congregation. Collinsville is seventeen miles east of St. Louis. Even though there was a bit of confusion concerning the topics (my fault), we had a very good meeting. There was one response to the invitation during the meeting.

      Both in between the meetings and after the Collinsville meeting, I was able to spend some time with my mother. My mother is doing about the same. She will be 94 years old on August 14th.
Georgia School of Preaching Lectures

      The GSOP lectures will be conducted on May 5th and 6th at the Piedmont Road Church of Christ in Marietta, GA. I am scheduled to speak on Sunday morning at 10:30 and then to conduct a workshop on practical suggestions for evangelism at 3 PM. If you are in the area, hope to see you there. The lectures begin on Saturday morning at 7:45 with the annual breakfast.
Mission Trip to Asia - May 10-June 11

      On May 10th, I will leave on my 68th short-term mission trip to Singapore and Malaysia. I will be conducting two gospel meetings in Malaysia and will be one of the speakers at the Annual Chinese Asian Bible Lectureship to be conducted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I will also attend the Lim Ah Pin camp in early June.

      Please pray for me as I travel and for all of the opportunities I will have to encourage our brethren in southeast Asia.
Latitude (wiggle room) in Mission Work

      “As touching our brother Apollos, I greatly desired him to come unto you with the brethren: but his will was not at all to come at this time; but he will come when he shall have convenient time” (1 Corinthians 16:12).

      There is no place in the world that does not need the gospel preached. Where should we go?  When should we go? With whom should we go? How long should we go? Should we go short-term or long-term? Some contend the only way the gospel can effectively be preached to people in the world is by long-term missionaries living and working in the field. Others contend for the value of short-term missionaries who will encourage “indigenous” churches. I believe both have their places in the spreading of the gospel. Also, many times, short-term work has led to long-term efforts.

      There are so many useful methods in spreading the gospel. Let’s use every scriptural method to carry the gospel into all the world. Every person has a job they can do in the Lord’s Kingdom.

—John M. Grubb


Grubb Mission Reports can be read here:



May 5-6 – GSOP Lectureship
May 10 – June 11 – CABL, Malaysia, Camp
July 4 – Piedmont Rd. Summer Series
September – China
Oct. 11 – Gospel Meeting – Franklin County
Oct. 27-28 Southeast Lectureship – Richmond, Hill, GA
Nov. 19 - Dec. – Singapore, Manado, Taiwan

– John M. Grubb

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