Thursday, September 25, 2014

Grubb Mission Report - October 2014

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ,
Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
2014 Taiwan Trip
      As scheduled, I left for Taiwan on September 3rd for my 53rd mission trip. The trip was mostly uneventful and we even arrived in Taiwan one hour earlier than scheduled. Brother Jao met me at the airport and drove me the short distance to the High Speed Rail station in Taoyuan. I took the train down to Taichung where I would begin the efforts on this trip. I had to stand up for the trip to Taichung, but since it was only a thirty minute train ride, it was not too bad. Brother and sister Yo met me at the Taichung station and I went back to their house to get my luggage arranged and get my first night sleep in Taiwan.
      Last year, I went to Singapore and Malaysia with a broken foot. Earlier this year I had to have surgery done on that foot. On my mission trip in June, I hurt my knee while exercising and I have been putting up with the pain since then. Because of the travel and climbing the stairs in Taichung, both the apartment and church building were on the fourth floor of their respective buildings (also heavy luggage), I aggravated the knee injury. Stairs (five floors) had to be climbed in Hualien as well, but in Taichung, I already figured out a way to go up and down the stairs without causing much pain or further injury. I went to the doctor when I got home and had a cortisone shot and was told to ice my knee six to eight times a day and start doing exercises to strengthen the muscles around my knee.
      The first day of the gospel meeting began on Friday, my first full day in Taiwan. In the morning, we ran some errands and got my phone ready for use while in Taiwan. William Chen arrived in Taichung for the first night of the gospel meeting. It was good to meet him on the other side of the world again. I would be seeing him at the end of this trip for a gospel meeting conducted in his house. We had about 25 to attend the first night. There were some first time visitors who attended the meeting.
      On Saturday, we spent the day visiting both in the assisted living home and other places. We had lunch with one of the members and her aunt. In the evening, we had five visitors to attend and because the lesson I had selected would not be the best lesson for them, I changed my topic. Jude also did this (Jude 3). There were about 23 who attended on Saturday night.
      On Sunday morning, we completed the gospel meeting in Taichung. There was an good turnout for the last service of the meeting. Again, there were visitors present for these last two lessons in the meeting. It was encouraging during this gospel meeting to see that Christy Huang had recently been restored to the church and was present at every service. She was a member in the Changhua congregation many years ago. Her husband is not yet a Christian, but it is hoped through the efforts of the church in Taichung, he will come to the knowledge of the truth.
      On Sunday night, the church had a cook-out for the Autumn Festival. More than twenty brethren and friends attended this event. It was held on the roof of the church building. Monday was the actual holiday, so on that day, brother and sister Yo and I did some sightseeing in the area. In the evening, we had dinner with Tracy, Jarod, Tasha, and Candy Brzozowski.
      On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to visit with the oldest member in Taichung, brother Jang. He took us to a restaurant for lunch. Later in the day, we were able to visit with the aunt and parents of one of the members of the Taichung church.
      On Wednesday morning, I packed up my luggage to prepare for an afternoon train trip (five hours) to Hualien to teach there. Before going to Hualien, I went with brother Yo to teach at the prison. This is the prison where Roger Campbell and I taught for a number of years before turning the work over to brother Yo. He has continued this work for an additional twenty plus years. There were 175 prisoners in the class. We sowed the seed as best we could. I also had the opportunity to eat a bowl of my favorite beef noodles soup before heading for the train station. I was able to sleep for part of the trip on the train. Upon arrival, brother Wang took me for a quick bowl of my favorite wonton soup before going to the church building for Wednesday evening Bible class. I spoke on the subject of Barnabas. I finally got settled in about 11 PM. (Wow, two bowls of my favorite soup on the same day! I do not actually drink the soup, but just eat what is in it.)
      On Thursday morning, we left the building at 8 AM for the Assisted Living Home. I taught a Bible class there. There were more than forty who attended this class. The majority of those who attend are members of the church. In the afternoon, we went to the second Senior Citizen Center to conduct a Bible class. I taught a different lesson in the afternoon class. In the evening, we started the gospel meeting in Hualien. There were between 20-25 to attend this first session.
      Friday morning started off pretty much the same way as Thursday. We made another trip to the Senior Citizen’s Home for private Bible studies and visits of members and prospects. After lunch, we made another visit to one of the new members of the church in Hualien who just happens to be ninety years old. Friday night was the second night of the gospel meeting. Even though we did not have a large number to attend, we did have some visitors to attend.
      On Saturday night, we had our best turnout for the gospel meeting with about 26 in attendance. This includes a number of visitors who attended.
      Sunday was a last busy day in Hualien. It started out at 5:55 AM. We headed for the first Assisted Living home for their morning worship. I spoke at this worship service. After conducting services with the brethren there, we headed to the church building for Bible study and worship. I spoke at both the Bible study and worship service. We had about 25 to attend the Sunday morning services at the church building. In the afternoon we headed for the other assisted living home where I taught about the same lesson I had taught at the morning assisted living session. We had 18 for the afternoon class. There are never as many in that class.
      On Monday morning, brother Wang and I boarded a train for Taipei then transferred to the High Speed Rail train for Tainan. On Monday and Tuesday nights, I taught some of the brethren and friends in Tainan. During the day on Tuesday, we made several visits/Bible studies.
      On Wednesday morning, I headed to Taipei for the last part of my trip. Many of you already know that William and Yolanda Chen have finished their studies at Southwest School of Bible Studies and have moved back to Taiwan. It was my privilege to participate in a gospel meeting conducted in their home the last weekend I was in Taiwan. These were the first services conducted in the Chen’s apartment.
      On the first night of the gospel meeting, nine people were in attendance. We had eight to attend the second evening. On Sunday, we had seventeen to attend the first Lord’s Day worship service at the new location. I am thankful I had the opportunity to have a small part in this effort.
      During this trip I spoke about twenty times plus private Bible studies and visits. Thanks for all of your prayers for me during this trip. Please continue to pray for the brethren in Taiwan. We are thankful for the progress in the work there.
Materials Available
       There are sixty Chinese lessons currently posted on YoubTube. You can access them at: I update my Facebook page all the time. Be sure to check my Facebook wall for pictures and news about my trips and activities. Be sure to check out my website: is my blog address. I post my monthly report there too.
      I continue to work with World Video Bible School to help produce the Chinese version of the Searching for Truth booklet and DVD. Please continue to pray for all those who are working on this project.
Oct. 5-8 Southside/Lubbock Lectures
Oct. 12 – Chestnut Mountain, GA
Oct. 25-26 Southeast GA Lectures
Nov. 12 – Dec. 4 Asia Trip (Indonesia and Singapore)  
   Nov. 14-25 Indonesia  
   Nov. 26-29 Four Seas Lectures  
Nov. 29 Gospel Meeting – Lim Ah Pin  
Nov. 30-Dec. 3 Johor Bahru
2015 (Tentative)
Jan. 25-28 Gospel Meeting – Lake Placid, FL
March – April – Trip to New Zealand
May – June – Singapore and Malaysia  
   Kampar Gospel Meeting (Tentative)  
   June 1-3 Chinese Asian Bible Lectures  
   June 5-7 Subang Jaya Gospel Meeting  
   June 12-14 Section 17
September – October – Taiwan
November – China
Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL
– John M. Grubb
                                            Some of the sisters in Taichung and Kaohsiung

                                         Some of those who attended the first Sunday in Taipei - 
                                         Meeting in William and Yolanda Chen's apartment.

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