Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Grubb Mission Report - December 2014

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, 
Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
Asian Trip – Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia
      On November 12th, I left the United States on my 54th mission trip. I took a similar route on this trip with one little difference. Normally, I fly though Japan then on to Singapore. This time, after arriving in Singapore, I spent the night in the Transit Hotel, then the next morning, flew on to Jakarta. Upon arrival in Jakarta, Timbul Siriat met me, and together we flew on to Lampung, where Barry Hatcher and Alex Daniel met us at the airport. From take-off in Atlanta to touchdown in Lampung was forty-two hours. While in Lampung, I stayed at the home of Alex and Rita Daniel. I am so thankful for their hospitality.
      On the flight from Atlanta to Tokyo, I was on the same plane with Tim Wilkes II, his family, and a team of workers heading for Philippines.
      I was able to get up on Saturday morning and walk with Alex Daniel. I am still not 100% with my knee, but I am trying to continue to get back to my normal walking distance and speed. I was able to walk almost every morning I was in Indonesia. I kept increasing the speed (ha-ha) and distance every day.   
      On Sunday, I preached at two congregations in Tanjungkarang. First, I spoke at the church that meets in the Astoria Hotel. They have only been meeting for a few months. Then, I spoke at the Pelita Baru congregation. This congregation is in another section of the town. There are nine congregations in Lampung Province in Sumatra, Indonesia.
     On Monday I began the classes at the Southern Sumatra Bible Academy teaching the teachers on the subject of “Denominational Doctrines.” This class met every morning, Monday through Friday, during the time I was there. In the afternoon, we traveled out into the country to have services at the Natar Church of Christ. On Tuesday morning, we continued our classes at the school. In the evening, I spoke at the Pelita Baru congregation.
      We continued our studies on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. On Wednesday night, I spoke at the Bible class at the school. On Thursday evening, the staff of the school and I had dinner together. It was great to have time to be with the staff and to enjoy their fellowship. Then, on Friday morning we finished the series. We had to do the last half of the class in another room because the power went off in the library and there were no windows to let in the light.
      I had a great week with the brethren in Sumatra. I hope that much good was done. I look forward to returning sometime in the future. This is a great work and worthy of support. Please continue to remember this work in your prayers.
      On Saturday morning, Alex Daniel, Barry Hatcher and I boarded a plane to fly to Jakarta. After arriving at the hotel, Barry and I met up with Jacob Susetyo who took us to dinner. On Sunday morning we went to the Sunter Church of Christ for worship and Bible study. There was a very good attendance with a few visitors present. On Sunday afternoon, we ate lunch with some of the brethren, then went to do some shopping.
      Monday was our free day and our last day in Indonesia. This was a day to get caught up on work that had been put off and also a time to pick up a few needed items before moving on to Singapore. Thanks to the brethren in Jakarta for all of their help while we were there.
      On Tuesday morning, we left for the International Airport in Jakarta to head for the island of Singapore. We landed safely in Singapore and got settled in for the upcoming lectureship at Four Seas College.
      The 7th Annual Four Seas College Lectures began on Wednesday. I had the privilege to have a part in three different sessions of the lectureship. The theme was: “The Spirit and His Sword.” There were a number of speakers from America and several Asian-Pacific countries. A number of excellent lessons were delivered from Wednesday through Saturday.
      I had a special topic to cover in my lesson. I discussed the “Chinese Bible – Translations and Problems.” Even though I was not the best qualified person to cover this subject, I did the very best I could. I also did a field report on the work in Taiwan. Even though I have not lived there for over twenty-two years, I do make annual trips to the island. I then had the privilege to be on a Question and Answer panel with Roger Campbell.
      It was good to visit with all of the brethren who attended the lectureship. It was great to renew old friendships and also to make new friends. We are thankful for the good work the College is doing in Asia.
      On Sunday, November 30th, I made a short trip into Malaysia. On Sunday morning, In Johor Bahru, I preached a bi-lingual lesson in two parts. In the afternoon, a group from the congregation drove to Kluang. We distributed brochures for the two bi-lingual lessons to be taught on Monday. Kluang is the home of brother Tee and also the home of brother David Chew.
      This was the third time I had traveled to Kluang to try to encourage the church there. Because of brethren from Johor Bahru and Singapore, we had 31 to attend the afternoon session and 34 attended the evening class. The brethren in Johor Bahru are going to be assisting the church in Kluang, trying to help the church there to grow and develop.
      This was a little bit different than my normal trip as I went to three countries instead of one or two. I hope the efforts we made we help to encourage the brethren in the places I visited. I am so thankful for all of the prayers offered on my behalf as well.
      I arrived home safely with a very uneventful trip back from Singapore. I was able to get some sleep on the two flights and have been able to sleep at least six hours for the first four nights since arriving home. In spite of the cold weather (compared to the weather at the equator), I have been able to continue my walking outside. I do not know how much longer that will last with the cold weather on the way. I will do the best I can. If it is cold or rainy, I will walk inside the mall.
      I am sorry this December report is a few days late. The January report will also be a few days late as well. I will be away from home for the first few days of the new year.  
News and Letters from Around the World
SINGAPORE: I have distributed all the DVDs which the WVBS had sent to me. All copies were given out to congregations in Malaysia and Singapore. I have brought 2 copies to Shanghai for the congregation there.  Just let you know so that if anyone from WVBS ask you about the DVDs, you can let them know that it had been given out” – Jedediah Yuan. (NOTE: We are thankful for WVBS and Jedediah for making it possible to distribute the DVD by William Chen among the Chinese people. JMG.)
INDIANAPOLIS, IN: News has reached us that Queenie Johnson passed away on November 13th. Queenie was a long-time supporter of our work. She will be missed.” JMG.
Materials Available
       There are sixty Chinese lessons currently posted on YoubTube. You can access them at: I update my Facebook page all the time. Be sure to check my Facebook wall for pictures and news about my trips and activities. Be sure to check out my website: is my blog address. I post my monthly report there too.
      I continue to work with World Video Bible School to help produce the Chinese version of the Searching for Truth booklet and DVD. Please continue to pray for all those who are working on this project.
Jan. 25-28 Gospel Meeting – Lake Placid, FL
March – April 7 – Trip to New Zealand
May – June – Singapore and Malaysia  
   Kampar Gospel Meeting 28-30 May
   Ipoh 31 May
   June 4-6 Chinese Asian Bible Lectures  
   June 6-7 Section 17  
   June 12-14 Subang Jaya Bi-Lingual
September – October – Taiwan
November 2-28 – China
Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL
– John M. Grubb

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