Grubb Mission
Report - July 2015
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel
to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
A Work of the
Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
News and Letters
from Around the World
CLAY CITY, IN: During the
month of June, Wanda Francis, wife of Bill Francis, mother of David Francis and
Janell Grafe, passed away after a lengthy illness. I have known the Francis
family since I preached at Clay City back in the mid-1970’s. They were
thoughtful enough to ask for brethren to contribute to our work in lieu of
flowers. At this writing, the following contributions have been made in memory
of sister Wanda: Gordon Wells – $50.00; Willis Dyer – $100.00.
LAKE PLACID, FL: “It has been a
long while since I have emailed you. We trust that all continues to go well
with you and your work for the Lord. Grace Pan continues with her Bible study
through IBTM with me. I just wanted you to know that our Daughter, Jane and her
husband in Safford, AZ used your lesson you presented here at the Lake Placid,
FL congregation – to put the finishing touches on two people they had been
studying with. “Prepare To Meet Thy God” when they were finished Jane asked
them if they were prepared to meet God
and he said “no momma” and she said “no momma.” They were both baptized and
they and their two children now worship with our daughter’s family. They meet
in their home as no faithful congregation near. The new couple is studying and
getting “grounded” They have a long way to go but have good hearts and working
hard to learn. We are thankful for your lessons and the fruit they have been
bring forth the world over. May God continue to bless you with good health and
stamina to do the work” –Bob and Susanna
Austin. (NOTE: We are thankful for the
good work the Austins do in the Kingdom. We are also thankful for the good news
in this note. JMG).
MEMPHIS, TN: It was my honor
and privilege to speak at the 2015 Memphis School of Preaching graduation.
There were twenty five students who received diplomas from one of the programs
at MSOP. My lesson was entitled: “Remembering Who We Are.”
GREETINGS: It was good to
hear from various brethren from the other side of the world: Sam Chan (Ipoh,
Malaysia), Glen Tattersall, Steve and Beckie Schiller (Launceston, Tasmania,
Australia), and Rosita Hunt (Toowoomba, Australia).
News has reached us via Facebook that one of the visitors who attended the
gospel meeting there in May has obeyed the gospel (Katie Ooi). We are thankful
for the follow-up being done by the brethren in Ipoh and the Klang valley.
“Update on Keith. He was running a low grade fever and doctor had him come in.
Some labs were out of range. An ultrasound showed fluid behind the transplant
surgery incision for the second time. They drained off fluid week before last
but found no infection. Today the fluid was infected. They put in a drain tube
but the surgeon says there is a good chance they will have to open the incision
in the OR tomorrow and clean it to remove the infection. The wound would be
packed until it heals inside to out. He has been admitted to the hospital for
treatment. These are things that can occur after transplant surgery. Thank you
friends for your concern and prayers” –
Louella Young. (NOTE: Thanks to his mother for this update. I have known Keith
for most of his life. He had a kidney transplant earlier this year. Please
continue to pray for him and his family. JMG.)
BAPTISM: On July 3rd,
Aiden Heilman, son of Theresa and Michael Heilman, and grandson of Howard and
Margaret Goodman, made the decision to obey the gospel. I was thankful I was in
town so that I was able to attend. Thanks to Stan Quinn for his assistance in
helping Aiden to become a Christian.
currently a number of brethren who are making mission trips in all parts of the
world. Please continue to remember all of our brethren who are traveling around
the world to help spread the gospel of Christ. We continue to be thankful for
being able to have a part in helping to spread the gospel around the world.
are sixty Chinese lessons currently posted on YouTube. You can access them at: I update my Facebook page all the time. Be sure to check my Facebook wall for pictures and news
about my trips and activities. Be sure to check out my website: is
my blog address. I post my monthly report there too.
I continue to work with World Video Bible
School to help produce the Chinese version of the Searching for Truth booklet
and DVD. Please continue to pray for all those who are working on this project.
Please remember these good brethren in the great work they are doing.
September 8-29 –
October 17 –
Mission Forum – Forest Park
30-December 7 – China and Taiwan
September –
Nov. – Dec. – Singapore/Malaysia
Apr. 22-25
Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL
– John M. Grubb
Chinese Website:
Send all contributions to: Grubb Mission Fund, P.O. Box 7450, Chestnut Mountain, GA
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