“Go into all the world and preach the
gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
2015 Malaysia Trip
A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
2015 Malaysia Trip
On May 19th, I left
for Malaysia. This was my 56th overseas mission trip since 1985. I actually flew
into and out of Singapore, as is my habit. I do that because of the lower cost
and shorter travel time. I had an uneventful trip from Atlanta to Singapore.
Before leaving for
Malaysia, I was able to have lunch with Eddy Ee and Jedediah Yuan. That evening,
I attended the English Bible class at Lim Ah Pin. On Friday morning, I rode an
Aero Line Bus to One Utama in the Klang area. Peter Bang met me and got me
settled in my hotel room. On Friday night, I spoke at the Section 17 Bible
class. It was good to see so many good friends and brethren there.
On Saturday
afternoon, Kam Wah Leong took me over to the hotel where I would stay one night
while presenting three lessons at the KL church. The topics were the same as the
ones I would use for the bi-lingual gospel meeting in Kampar. I only used
English to present the lessons at KL.
After morning Bible
study and worship at KL on Sunday, Chris Lopez and I rode a train to Kampar for
the week long effort there. I spoke Sunday evening at the regular worship
service there. After services, I made my way to my fourth different bed in five
On Monday and
Tuesday mornings, I joined the other brethren who gathered in Kampar to
distribute advertisements for the Thursday through Saturday bi-lingual gospel
meeting. A total of 20,000 ads saturated the area. Also, newspaper ads were run
the week of the gospel meeting.
The gospel meeting
began on Thursday night. There were fifty people who attended the first night.
Among those who attended were several from the community. On Friday night, there
were sixty in attendance, again with several visitors from the community. On the
last night of the gospel meeting, we had our best attendance of the meeting. We
had 75 in attendance with 15 visitors from the community. At the end of the
service, I went to stay the night in Ipoh in preparation for morning Bible study
and worship on Sunday morning. We had a combined English and Chinese service and
I delivered two bi-lingual lessons for Bible study and worship. There were a
number of visitors present.
On Sunday afternoon,
we headed back to Kampar for the Sunday evening worship service there. I
preached another bi-lingual lesson there. We had a Bible study with two of the
many visitors that attended the gospel meeting. During the study, she started
quoting one of my sermons word for word! Sometimes you wonder if people are
listening to your lessons. She was! There were 34 who attended the Sunday
service in Kampar with several visitors.
Before heading for
the Chinese Asian Bible Lectureship, two families from the Section 17
congregation took me up to Penang, Malaysia for a couple of days. There is a lot
of British Colonial history in that city. Also one of the longest bridges in
Asia – 23 kilometers long.
The 10th Annual
Chinese Asian Bible Lectureship was conducted at the Pulai Springs Resort
outside of Johor Bahru, Malaysia. There were twelve speakers and four answer
panel sessions during the lectureship. There were brethren in attendance from
China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, India, and the United States. There were
approximately 200 people who attended at least one of the sessions during the
lectureship. The 11th Annual CABL is scheduled to be conducted next June in
Melaka, Malaysia.
On the Sunday
following the CABL, I presented two lessons to the Section 17 congregation. I
had the opportunity to meet some new families attending, including one family
from Texas. During the time I was in Malaysia, if I had any down time, the
Section 17 brethren took care of me. I really appreciate their
The last weekend in
Malaysia I was with the Sabang Jaya congregation for a bi-lingual gospel
meeting. I presented a lesson in English and Chinese on Friday night and for
worship on Sunday morning. Because there were no Chinese only speaking people
present for the Sunday morning Bible study, I presented the last lesson in
English only but with Chinese characters on the PowerPoint slides. Sunday
afternoon, I flew back to Singapore to spend the night before heading back to
the United States on Monday. I returned home safely on Monday afternoon. Thanks
for all your prayers, support, and encouragement on this recent trip. My next
overseas trip will be in September.
Materials Available
Materials Available
There are sixty Chinese lessons currently posted on
YouTube. You can access them at: http://m.youtube.com/user/TheCoJC.
I update my Facebook page all the time. Be sure to check my Facebook wall for
pictures and news about my trips and activities. Be sure to check out my
website: www.grubbchinese.org. http://grubbmissionwork.blogspot.com
is my blog address. I post my monthly report there too.
September 8-29 – Taiwan
October 17 – Mission Forum – Forest Park
November 2-December 7 – China and Taiwan
Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL
– John M.
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