Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Grubb Mission Report - September 2015

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ,
Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
John M. Grubb
     As we have discussed in various articles, working among the Chinese people is not the same as working among Americans. One of the reasons there is a difference is because of the religious and historical backgrounds of the two peoples. In this article, we will examine some of these differences that might help us to better understand what we have to do to get the Chinese people to listen to the gospel message.
     The Chinese people have about 5,000 years of history compared to a few hundred years of American history. American culture is based upon the Bible, while the Chinese culture is based on various philosophies. There are two passages of scripture that apply to the background of the Chinese people.
     The first passage is Genesis 11:1-9. This passage tells of the scattering of the people to various parts of the world. Here, I believe, is the beginning of the Chinese people. We need to help them understand that the Bible tells of the beginning of all nations, and that it was the one true God that created all things (Genesis 1).
     The second passage is Romans 1:18-25. This passage talks about those who left God and worshipped idols. This also discusses the degree of the departure. The Chinese culture fits into this passage. As a people, they have gone a long distance from God. In order for them to come back, they have a long trip to make. It will take more time for them to make that trip then it would for those much closer. It would take much more time to travel from Taiwan to Chicago than from Indianapolis to Chicago. It is easier to cross a plain than it is to cross a mountain.
     Even though there could be many more reasons why the Chinese would resist the gospel, we will list four.
1. Christianity teaches that it is wrong to worship idols, spirits, gods, ancestors, etc. Prior to the Communists taking over China, in the Chinese culture, failure to worship the above mentioned was considered as “disobedience” to either the state or the family. This is still the case among Chinese people who live outside of mainland China. (It is interesting to note the similarities between the thinking of the Roman Empire and the Chinese people in this area.)
2.  In connection with this, community activities are connected with religious festivals. This would include Chinese New Year, Tomb Sweeping, and the Dragon Boat Festival. To participate in community activities demands that you take part in the religious aspect as well. When the American celebrates the Fourth of July or the New Year, it need not be connected to any religious activity. For the Chinese to accept the gospel, they have to give up part of their culture. This is very difficult for them to do.
3.  Some will resist Christianity simply because it is foreign. We point out to our Chinese friends that Christianity is not a “Western” religion, but they think it is since most of the missionaries that come to China are from the West. Some resist it just because it is not “Chinese.” Of course, we remind them that “Buddhism” came from India.
4.  Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism resist Christianity. These religions are supported by the people and the leaders of these groups would not want to lose this support. We need to add here that it is impossible for a person to believe the Bible and these eastern religions. They are not compatible with Bible teaching. (Continued in some future newsletter.)
News and Letters from Around the World

My mother has started her rehab in a nursing home in Terre Haute. She will be there for twenty days. Hopefully, she will be able to improve enough to return back home at the end of this rehab period. You can send cards to: Barbara Grubb, 1716 N. 8th St., Terre Haute, IN 47804. Please remember her in prayer.
Materials Available
There are sixty Chinese lessons currently posted on YouTube. You can access them at: I update my Facebook page all the time. Be sure to check my Facebook wall for pictures and news about my trips and activities. Be sure to check out my website: is my blog address. I post my monthly report there too.

September 8-29 – Taiwan
October 17 – Mission Forum – Forest Park
October 30-December 7 – China and Taiwan
2016 May-June – Indonesia/CABL
September – Taiwan
Nov. – Dec.  – Singapore/Malaysia  
   Four Seas College Lectures  
   Subang Jaya  
   Section 17  
   Kota Kemuning
Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL
– John M. Grubb

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