Monday, December 7, 2015

Grubb Mission Report December 2015

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, P.O. Box 7450 Chestnut Mountain, Georgia 30502 USA
Trip to China and Taiwan

      On October 29, 2015, I began my 58th mission trip. This trip included three cities in China and a lectureship in Taiwan. I had a good trip from Atlanta to Shanghai. B.X. met me at the airport and got me to the hotel for my first three nights in China.

      On Saturday morning, I taught a lesson on the principles of obedience as it applies to New Testament music. After lunch, I had the opportunity to go and walk along the Bund, which is next to the Whang Pu River, something I have wanted to do for many years. On Saturday evening, I worked on getting tests ready for the first week of classes.

      On my first Sunday in China, I started out in the west part of Shanghai. There were about 35-40 who were present for the morning worship. I had met some of the brethren there at the Chinese Asian Bible Lectureship in Malaysia. In the afternoon, brother X took me over to the east side of Shanghai for the afternoon worship service there. This is also the location for the school where I taught for a month. I spoke to about twenty people at the afternoon service.

      On Monday morning, I made a final stroll along the Bund before making the move to the school location, where I would stay during the week while teaching my classes. There were four students who attended the classes each day. A normal day was two and a half hours in the morning, then three hours in the afternoon. The evening was left open for Bible studies and additional class time. The very first night I was at the school location, I began a study with the parents of one of the members there.

      On Tuesday morning, after walking and eating breakfast, we began classes. They were from 9-11:30 in the morning, then 2-5 in the afternoon. I had my second Bible study with the husband and wife on Tuesday night.

      The day on Wednesday started out about the same way. The only difference was instead of three hours in the afternoon, we only studied two hours to allow the students to do their cleaning of the apartment. The Bible study with the Chinese couple continued Wednesday night.

      We only had class on Thursday morning. The afternoon was reserved for review for the test on Thursday evening. On Thursday evening, the students took their first two tests. They did quite well.

      On Friday after lunch, I went back over to the other side of Shanghai for a Friday night class, a Saturday morning class, and Sunday morning worship. The class on Friday night is with members of a third congregation in the city. There were thirteen present for the Friday class and six were present for the Saturday class.

      On Sunday morning, I was back to the west side for the second time. After preaching there, I headed back to the east side for afternoon services and to get ready for a new week of teaching classes in the school. I also had a Bible study on Sunday night. Through the first ten days here in Shanghai, I had already taught thirty hours. I had good response to my lessons through the first week.

      The second week was a continuation of the first week of teaching. I also was conducting a Bible study four nights a week with a couple who lived nearby and their daughter is already a Christian. I also had the privilege to teach a Bible class on Friday night and speak at two different congregations on Sunday.

      The first two weeks the weather also cooperated. It did rain occasionally, but it was not too cold. As I started the third week, the warm-ish weather continued to hold. However, it would not hold through the whole trip. During the last week I was in Shanghai there were three days of really cold weather.

      Some observations so far: a lot of horn honking here in Shanghai. It reminds me of Taiwan back in the 1980’s. There are a lot different phrases used in Shanghai that are not used in Taiwan. The brethren have been very good to me during the trip. I try to return the favor. I have not had much time to sightsee, but I hope to spend the last Saturday afternoon in a tour of the city.

      Week Three classes began on November 16th. I continued to teach the materials I had prepared for the four week period. During the third week I was not able to conduct a private Bible study with the couple I had been studying with. The daughter had to have surgery, so they were not able to attend. On Wednesday evening we went to the hospital to visit her before her operation. We visited with her and her parents.

      After class on Thursday, I headed back to the west side to get ready to head to Anhui for the weekend to visit with G.J. and his wife, L. That night I had the opportunity to conduct a Bible study with two people, one of which was very close to becoming a Christian. B.X. went with me on the weekend trip. Both of us taught on Saturday and Sunday.

      It was a seven hour train trip to Anhui. G met us at the airport and took us to the hotel. (G told us in just 10 days the bullet train would go from Shanghai to Anhui – only about three hours instead of seven.) Then we had dinner with G, L, a member of the congregation and some friends who are studying the Bible.

      On Saturday morning, G took B and me to breakfast before going to his house for a morning Bible study. I taught for about two and one half hours to about twelve people. In the afternoon, we were able to see some of the sites in Anhui, including the Yangtze River. In the evening, we had dinner with some of the members.

      On Sunday morning, B and I had breakfast and then headed for G and L’s house for morning Bible study and worship. There were about sixteen present for Bible Study and worship. B spoke at the Bible study hour and I spoke for worship. Right after worship, we headed for the train station to catch our train back to Shanghai. After about a six hour trip, we had dinner together with brother K.

      On Monday morning, I headed back to the east side for my last four days of teaching in the school. Brother K went with me to the school on that morning to visit with the students. The last week included teaching the last two topics and giving the last tests of the course. I was fortunate to teach four students during the weeks I was there – brethren W, C, and C, as well as sister J.

      Tuesday and Wednesday were the last two days of teaching the students. I finished up the rest of the materials I had prepared for the month of lessons. I gave them the morning of the last day to prepare for the two tests on Thursday afternoon. After the tests were completed and graded, I took all of my luggage back over to the other side of town for the long weekend before heading for Taiwan on Monday.

      I was privileged to attend the two Bible studies on Friday and teaching the night class. I also taught the one on Saturday, and then attended my last two worship services in Shanghai on Sunday. On Sunday morning, we had two baptisms. I had a small part in both of them. Also, there were two dinners for my departure on Sunday. It was also a privilege to be here for a month and be able to meet and try to help so many Christians.

      On Monday morning, brother X took me to the airport to board my plane to Taiwan. We rode the mega train that traveled from Shanghai to the International Airport in seven minutes. The top speed was 431 kph (about 269 mph). After arriving in Taiwan, I took the bus to the High Speed Rail Station and took it to Taichung. Brother Yo met me at the station.

      On Tuesday morning, we had a Bible study with a young lady who had been attending for a long time. She had some questions and we were able to answer them and baptize her into Christ. On Thursday afternoon, I spoke at the Assisted Living Home. The lectureship was Friday through Sunday. I spoke on Sunday morning. There was good attendance with about 50 attending each day.

      On Monday morning, I headed back to the states via Tokyo. I arrived safely and on-time. Thanks for all your prayers. 

      If anyone would like for me to come and give a report of my work, I would be happy to schedule it.    


TERRE HAUTE, IN: My mother is living in a nursing home in Terre Haute. She has to have 24/7 care. Her vitals are all good and she recognizes all the family. You can send cards to: Barbara Grubb, 1716 N. 8th St., Terre Haute, IN 47804. Please remember her in prayer. During the month of November, mom had difficulties with her kidneys and was in the hospital for several days. At this writing is doing OK.



April – WVBS
May 5 – June 7 – Indonesia/CABL
   Bali, Surabaya, Jakarta, Manado, Lampung
   Malacca, Malaysia
September/October – Taiwan – China
Nov. – Dec.  – Singapore/Malaysia
   Four Seas College Lectures
   Section 17
   Subang Jaya
   Kota Kemuning


Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL

– John M. Grubb

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