Thursday, December 31, 2015

Grubb Mission Report - January 2016
“Happy New Year”

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ,
Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA
A Review of 2015 Mission Trips and 2016 Plans

      It has been a good year of helping to carry the gospel to the world. I made my 55-58th mission trips during 2015. I started out by going to New Zealand and working with a number of congregations on the north island and speaking at the annual camp. Depending on the desires of the congregations in New Zealand, I will be willing to make another trip there in 2017. In May and June, I traveled to Singapore and Malaysia for a major effort in the city of Kampar. A very successful campaign was accomplished there. The other major effort was the 10th Annual Asian Bible Lectureship. During the month of September, I made my regular annual trip to Taiwan to work with the churches there. A typhoon almost prevented me from getting off of the island on time. Another highlight of the year was my first trip to China since 2003. I spent almost all of my time in Shanghai with one trip to Anhui province.

      Much good was accomplished in these trips with a number of baptisms and brethren being built up in the Faith.

      The current plan for 2016 is to make three mission trips to Indonesia/Malaysia (May-June), Taiwan/China (Sept.-Oct.), and in Nov.-Dec. to Singapore/Malaysia.


      My mother continues to live in a nursing home in Terre Haute. She has to have 24/7 care. Because of the stroke she had in August, she has now lost all of her short-term memory. You can send cards to: Barbara Grubb, 1716 N. 8th St., Terre Haute, IN 47804. Please continue to remember her in prayer.

Remember the Lost

      In the history of America we have been urged to remember many things. In 1836 it was “Remember the Alamo!” In 1898 it was “Remember the Maine!” In 1941 it was “Remember Pearl Harbor!” We remember war, family, birthdays, etc. Remembering is part of our lives.

      The word, remember, is also found in the Bible. It is used 237 times in God’s Word. The Bible urges people to remember. The Jews were urged to remember the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8), deliverance from Egypt (Exodus 13:3), and the law of God (Numbers 15:39). Christians are encouraged to remember the Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection (l Corinthians 11:23-26), and the truth (2 Peter 1:12; 2 Timothy 2:14; Jude 3).

      We must remember the lost! Why did Jesus come to this earth? “To seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10; Matthew 1:21). That was His mission and it must be ours. We need to remember the lost souls who live just blocks from the church building and those in the far reaches of our world who have never heard the gospel. We must remember that all souls are important in the sight of God (1 Timothy 2:4). We need to remember the lost!

      A new Christian once asked me why there are not more missionaries in Asia helping to preach the gospel to the Chinese people. When she asked that question I thought of those who wanted to come, but couldn’t find enough people to send them. I thought of others who need to come, but who still have not come. How would you answer this question? I tried, but my answer seemed feeble. Yes brethren, we must remember the lost. They are waiting for us to find them and throw them the lifeline so that they might be saved. Will you help? JMG.

Materials Available

       There are sixty Chinese lessons currently posted on YouTube. You can access them at: I update my Facebook page all the time. Be sure to check my Facebook wall for pictures and news about my trips and activities. Be sure to check out my website: is my blog address. I post my monthly report there too.



Jan. 17 AM. College Rd.
             PM. Attending Beville Rd.
Jan. 19-20 Attending FSOP Lectures
April – WVBS
May 4 – June 6 – Indonesia/CABL
   Bali, Surabaya, Jakarta, Manado, Lampung
   Malacca, Malaysia
September/October – Taiwan – China
Nov. – Dec. – Singapore/Malaysia
   Attending Four Seas College Lectures
   Section 17
   Subang Jaya
   Kota Kemuning


Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL

If anyone would like for me to come and give a report of my work,
I would be happy to schedule it.

– John M. Grubb

Grubb Mission Report is a monthly publication under the oversight of
Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, P.O. Box 7450,
Chestnut Mountain, GA 30502, USA
Cell: (678) 538-7601
Chinese Website:

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