Saturday, May 6, 2017

Grubb Mission Report May 2017

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA

      While I was in New Zealand, I had the opportunity to teach the gospel through the use of Skype and Facebook Video. That has continued since I have returned home. I am helping to teach a Chinese friend in New Zealand by translating for the teacher and the student. I also have the opportunity to teach the parents of one of our other Chinese Christians. He lives in New Zealand, but his parents live in China. He was in China visiting his parents for most of the month of April. While he was there, we had several Skype lessons together. I am hoping to expand this means of teaching to other places both overseas and here in the United States.

Scott Ingram Taiwan Survey Trip

      July 11-25 are the dates for Scott Ingram and I to travel to Taiwan for him to consider future mission on that island. Scott is a graduate of Memphis School of Preaching and is currently enrolled in their Missions Program. I talked to his wife, Alesia, and him at the lectureship in March.

      Scott and I will be visiting three cities while we are in Taiwan. We will be in Taichung, Hualien, and Taipei. Scott will be teaching the lessons and I will be translating them for the local brethren.

      Please pray for the efforts we will make on this survey trip.
In the Meantime…

      Before heading overseas, I had the opportunity to attend some of the gospel meetings being conducted around the area. Because of the road conditions around Atlanta (there was a major road closure in downtown Atlanta affecting all of the roads in the area), I decided not to try to attend some of the meetings which would make it necessary to go through the Atlanta area. I was able to view the gospel meeting in Bremen, and was able to attend the gospel meeting in Habersham because it is away from the Atlanta area. I also attended the Georgia School of Preaching lectures at the Piedmont Rd. church in Marietta.

     I continue to prepare materials in English and Chinese on PowerPoint so that I can have more lessons available to use in the various places I visit.

  I had the opportunity to take a few days the first few days of May
to go and make a brief visit with my mother.

      I am scheduled to leave for Singapore and Malaysia on May 18th. This is my 63rd mission trip.

      I will be speaking at Jurong English Bible study and worship on Sunday morning, the Chinese service at Lim Ah Pin on Sunday afternoon, and Jurong English Bible class on Wednesday night. The next day I will head up to Malaysia for the remainder of my trip. I will be conducting a gospel meeting at the Subang Jaya congregation before going to Ipoh for the Chinese Asian Bible Lectureship. I will speaking on the program there. After the lectureship, I am scheduled to speak on Sunday morning at the church in Melaka. I then go back up to the Kuala Lumpur area to speak at the Section 17 congregation before flying back to Singapore to prepare for the flight home.


The last three years of my Grubb Mission Reports can be read here:

If there are any congregations who would like for me to visit in order to make a presentation of my work, please let me know. I will be happy to schedule it. This visit can be made on Sunday morning, Sunday night, or Wednesday night.

May 18 – June 13 – Singapore/Malaysia
   May 21 AM Jurong Bible study and worship
                 PM Lim Ah Pin Chinese
   May 26-28 Subang Jaya
   June 1-3 Chinese Asian Bible Lectures
   June 4 – Melaka
   June 9,11 Section 17
July 11-25 – Survey Trip to Taiwan
Aug. 19 – PTP Mission Report
September 6 – October 6 – China
October 6-10 – Singapore
November 23-30 Singapore
December 1-19 – Taiwan


Feb. 6 – Mar. 8 – Indonesia
April 15-19 Gospel Meeting – Shelbyville Rd.
Apr. 22-25 Gospel Meeting – Collinsville, IL

     Please continue to remember all of our brethren around the world who are continuing to proclaim the gospel of Christ.     

– John M. Grubb

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