Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Grubb Mission Report – March 2022 “Much to Do in ‘22”

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

A Work of the Chestnut Mountain Church of Christ, Chestnut Mountain, Georgia USA



If any congregation would like for me to come and give a report of our work, please let me know so that we can schedule it.


Two Big Announcements!

 We have two big announcements to make in this issue of the report.

 Announcement #1

“Grubb Mission Work” Oversight Moves to the Schertz Church of Christ

 On July 1, 2022, the Schertz Church of Christ, 501 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, TX 78154, will begin the oversight of our work among the Chinese people and others in southeast Asia. This will be the beginning of my 41st year in mission work. We are thankful for the desire of the elders there to oversee our work and receive our funds to continue the work. Sometime during the month of July, we will be moving to Texas to continue our work among the Chinese and Asian brethren.

  Beginning at that time (July 1, 2022), we will ask all of supporters to send their contributions to: “Grubb Mission Fund” c/o Schertz Church of Christ, 501 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, TX 78154. Please continue to make out your checks to “Grubb Mission Fund.” Until then, please continue to send your contributions to the Grubb Mission Fund, P.O. Box 7450, Chestnut Mountain, GA 30502.

Announcement #2

  Our daughter, Jovita, has been accepted as a student at the Southwest School of Bible Studies (SWSBS) in Austin, TX. She has received her student visa and will begin classes on August 8, 2022.

  We are attempting to raise $1,500 in monthly support for her room and board. If you would like to help in this effort, either on a one-time basis or monthly, please send your contribution to the SWSBS, 8900 Manchaca Road, Austin, TX 78748-5307. Please earmark your check for Jovita Saras Putri.

  Her support needs to arrive beginning July 25, 2022, so that she will have her support for the month of August.

  We are also trying to raise about $2,000 for Jovita’s travel expenses to the United States. If you can help with this in any way, please send that assistance to the Grubb Mission Fund, P.O. Box 7450, Chestnut Mountain, GA 30502 and earmark it for Jovita’s travel fund.

  Thank you in advance for all of your help in these efforts.


   Even though my oversight will change, my work will not change. I still take part in the weekly chapel services at Four Seas College (Chinese Department). I am now teaching a course on “Church History” which began the end of February. I am continuing to prepare my bi-lingual PowerPoint slides that I am using in the class. I use both English and Chinese on the charts to enable some who speak Chinese but do not read it well to be able to follow the notes. It takes me a great deal of time to prepare these slides. So far, I have prepared over 200 slides.

It is much easier to coordinate classes and services from the other side of the world because of the time difference only being an hour different from Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, etc. That is one of the reasons my wife and I will continue to spend time in Indonesia. Another reason is because my wife just has a visitor visa, so far, and cannot stay in the United States on an unlimited basis. I continue to speak regularly in English and Chinese in these countries.

During the month of January, I renewed my Indonesian visa. Thanks so much for my wife, who made this process very easy and smooth. We had no problem with the renewal. Especially in light of covid, it is very important that I keep my visa current. It is the only way that I can continue to travel back to my Asian base. It is hard to say when other Asian countries will open to tourists.

Currently, the only visa my wife has for the United States is a tourist visa, so she is only able to remain in the US a few weeks at a time. (We will begin application for her permanent resident visa, so she can freely come and go in our travels to and from the states).

We are so thankful for all of our brethren who continue to support our work among the Chinese and Asian people. Without your support, we would not be able to continue this work. We continue to be excited about the part we can have in evangelizing and working among Asian people. May the Lord continue to bless us in His work.

   Also, on this trip to the states, I had to purchase a used car to replace my old vehicle. This was an unexpected expense. We are thankful for the generosity of our brethren for not only helping to defray this expense, but to continue to support all of our efforts in His Kingdom.


Grubb Mission Reports can be read here:


Four Seas College – Chinese



– John and Eta Grubb

Grubb Mission Report is a monthly publication

under the oversight of the Chestnut Mountain church of Christ,

Email address: jmgrubb@yahoo.com

Telephone: (678) 538-7601

Send all contributions to: Grubb Mission Fund, P.O. Box 7450, Chestnut Mountain, GA 30502


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